The End Of The High Carb Diet, Turns Out Fat Is Better For You.

From the Sunday Express, a UK newspaper:
Current dietary advice says foods containing high levels of saturated fats such as cream, butter, red meat, eggs and cheese should be avoided because they increase the risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and cancer.

But a study published in a leading medical journal has found the opposite is true, with a diet full of natural fats improving the health of people taking part.

Professor Sherif Sultan, a heart specialist from the University of Ireland, said: “We urgently need to overturn current dietary guidelines."

The "current dietary guidelines" that Professor Sultan is addressing are the guidelines established and promoted by Ancel Keys. With a data set carefully cherry picked to support his ideas that fat is causing heart disease, he rammed his "heart health" diet down the throats of everyone. And we haven't stopped getting fatter, and sicker ever since.

I've mentioned this before, but when the fats came out of food, something had to go in to replace it. You know what that was? Yep. It was sugar. Sugar, transfats, and highly processed carbohydrates. They are the Wonder Triplets of obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and yes, the very thing that Keys inneffectually sought to prevent, cardiovascular disease.

The study, which pounds yet another nail in the coffin of the low fat, high carb (processed grains) diet was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
"The study found that overweight middle-aged men who ate high levels of saturated fat and low levels of carbohydrate became slimmer and healthier.

Researchers also saw reduced blood pressure and glucose levels, which are associated with a lower risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and cancer, in the patients."

Dr. Simon Dankel, is one of the co-authors of the study titled, " Visceral adiposity and metabolic syndrome after very high–fat and low-fat isocaloric diets: a randomized controlled trial"

In his interview with the  paper, he said:
“There is a tremendous focus on avoiding high-fat foods for weight control but this study challenges the notion that saturated fats have a strongly negative impact on health and weight.

“The men on a high fat diet not only lost weight but also became slimmer and had lower cholesterol levels.”

I should note here that there were two groups in the study. One group was fed a very high fat low carb diet (VHFLC), and the other group was fed a low fat high carb diet (LFHC). The fats came from cheese, butter, cream, coconut oil, all saturated fats. Nothing like canola oil, or margarine, was used. Who would use that crap?

The carbs in the LFHC group came from low processed sources WITHOUT added sugar. (The study cites - "a special mix with almond flour and plant fibers for making low-carbohydrate breads and cakes.")

Both groups got the same number of calories,and grams of protein,
Conclusion: ... Our data do not support the idea that dietary fat per se promotes ectopic adiposity and cardiometabolic syndrome in humans.
"Ectopic adiposity" essentially means "out of place fat." Here they are specifically addressing fat in the liver, and visceral fat in general.
I'm not sure how many nails need to be in the "diet of disease and death" currently promoted by government health officials, but this study adds one more.

Links to two abstracts of the study: (Yeah, this is the kind of stuff I read at night. Wild times, right?)

The End Of The High Carb Diet, Turns Out Fat Is Better For You.

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