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There you see it. The old fatty fat fatso me. Drifting along in a sea of sugar and ever increasing insulin resistance. I imagine I'd be up around 270 by now had I continued with my old diet. Probably be looking into knee replacement surgery. (For frostbite if nothing else, from all the ice packs.)
Instead I dumped the high carb / high sugar diet that various quasi-government and political groups have foisted upon us, and removed as much sugar and processed food from my diet as was possible. With that and moderate exercise I am now at my 1990 weight of 190.
This small website exists to help spread the word about the grave health risks of the most overused substance in the entire food industry, sugar. The books I've referenced here lay out the devastating evidence against sugar, processed foods (more sugar.), and the high carbohydrate diet.
I'd love to hear from you as you put your sugar addiction to its well deserved end. Death to sugar.

Death to Sugar

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